I’ve been able to reproduce the issue on my local Discourse site by adding a tag to the digest suppress tags
site setting and then creating a topic with multiple tags.
The following code causes of the issue: discourse/app/models/topic.rb at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub
if SiteSetting.digest_suppress_tags.present?
tag_ids = Tag.where_name(SiteSetting.digest_suppress_tags.split("|")).pluck(:id)
if tag_ids.present?
topics =
topics.joins("LEFT JOIN topic_tags tg ON topics.id = tg.topic_id").where(
"tg.tag_id NOT IN (?) OR tg.tag_id IS NULL",
Edit: I don’t think a LEFT JOIN
is needed here. The columns from the joined topic_tags
table don’t seem to get used later in the method. The fix could be as simple as:
if SiteSetting.digest_suppress_tags.present?
tag_ids = Tag.where_name(SiteSetting.digest_suppress_tags.split("|")).pluck(:id)
if tag_ids.present?
topics =
topics.where.not(id: TopicTag.where(tag_id: tag_ids).select(:topic_id))
I’ll leave it for the Discourse team to figure out the best approach. The for_digest
method gets run a lot of times and needs to be efficient.