My embedded topics no longer working after recent update

Is anyone else having issues with creating topics from the embed code on a remote website? I have not made any changes to my sites embed code and recently they all stopped creating new topics. They will display the old topics if they were made more than 7 days or so though.

Thanks for any feedback.

In the dev window on Chrome it’s listing this error for the script that interacts with Discourse and creates the topic.

The Content Security Policy directive 'upgrade-insecure-requests' is ignored when delivered in a report-only policy.

Both sites are fully secure via SSL. Not sure why this would suddenly start failing.

Figure it out. Cloudflare must have recently changed their “Bot fight mode” as I am fairly sure I have had this active for many months now but it was the culprit. Turning this feature off in Cloudflare restored the new topic generation from my content sites.

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