Well, not exacly because mine category mods are missing from about too.
Is it a group visibility thing as @Overgrow suggested?
No, we just did not think about category moderators when we created the new about page. It was an accidental oversight, not intentional. I just tested here on meta-if you switch back to the original about page, you can see the category moderators there, but they don’t show with the new page. To be honest, I am not even sure why category moderators show up on the about page, and it seems to me that we should surface that information in a different place like in the category itself.
All the feedback here has been super helpful so far, and we will create a list and think about what we might still like to do now before finishing up this new change. We are not going to be making big changes anymore for the moment. But we will, of course, fix any bugs or glaring omissions.
This must be some language barrier issue again. Because that group is visible for everyone as it should?
Edit: and Tobias answered at same time.
Sorry I should clarify that I was referring to the original implementation.
Interesting. My group is publicly visible and was showing them prior to enabling the new about page.
That clarifies it. You were referring to the old. I was referring to the new layout. Which is a plus imho.
7 posts were split to a new topic: EU visitor stats on /about page
I would use different icons for admins and moderators. In topics only moderators are highlighted with the shield, so it is confusing if it is also used for admins. This has already been discussed in Differentiate Admin and Moderator Shield Icons, but there it was about a page for admins and not for everyone. Maybe something like:
Though things are more complicated when users are admin and moderatos -
I would also remove the icon in front of “Our Admins”. At the old about page all headings had an icon at the beginning. But since all the other icons were removed, this one could be removed as well
And I think “today” is a bit misleading, because depending on when you look at it, “today” can be just a few hours. Perhaps “in the last 24 hours” would be better. That would also be consistent with “in the last 7 days”
Are admin powers a superset of the moderator powers? If so, I guess we just need an admin icon and that’s enough.
For some use cases this could be really helpful and recognizing for category moderators!
Wow, this is certainly a huge step up from the previous about page. Can’t wait to get this on my forum!
Thanks for all the feedback, everyone! We are looking into a few things:
- add a link to edit at the top, just to admins
- fix the banner width so it resizes to fill the width of the space available, both on mobile and on desktop
- check on the stats and explain where the numbers come from
- check on the number of members and explain the discrepancies between the number of members shown here, on the admin dashboard, and in the user list
- remove icons preceding “Our Admins” and “Our Moderators”
- write an evergreen documentation topic for when this becomes the new about page
Feature requests we will keep in mind but not do now:
- allow admins and moderators to be excluded from the about page, by user pref or group
- light/dark mode options for banners
- desktop/mobile options for banners
- different icon for admins vs moderators as per Differentiate Admin and Moderator Shield Icons
- allow selecting different timeframes for site stats
Thanks for pointing this out. The numbers are different because on the user list page tally, we exclude users that are in the database but are not active participants in your community. This includes:
- inactive
- staged
- silenced
- unapproved
anonymous mode
This more accurately reflects the total number of members in your community, so will update the about page to match the number on the user list.
On the admin user list and in reports you will still be able to see all users.
In case you missed it, we did just about everything I listed a few posts up which I will check off there. A documentation topic is in the works that will explain things, and then we will make this the only about page for everyone.
We did say we would not do this but did it anyway. There is an admin setting now about page hidden groups
which you can use to exclude people. This should help folks like @pfaffman who want to exclude themselves from the about page on sites they help manage but don’t want to be listed.
We also have an idea to provide another group to show specified groups on the about page, defaulting to admins and moderators, which I think would be pretty neat! But it does potentially introduce some complexity, and in any case is not a priority for this round.
Where is the EU visitor count coming from? Mine says 0, though almost all users are located in the EU.
Do you have maxmind configured?
If you visit admin/users and check their IP does it give the location?
Ahh, thanks. Discourse admin for a year now and never realized that was an option…
Don’t know if this applies to you, @sutterseba, but something I just discovered upon enabling EU stats:
How live is the improved /about page now? The title implies it, but the text of the OP makes it sound very experimental still.
Also, if still experimental - is it visible to anon?