New CATEGORY for members but private access

Hello all, wondering if I can a.) check my logic and b.) see advice is the following is possible/

We have 4 categories on our Discourse community.
To access our community, an ADMIN must approve membership. As an ADMIN I receive an email and grant access. I then add the email domain to "Settings->LOGIN-> auto approve email domains

My belief is that this will allow anyone from the same company that seeks login approval in the future from the same company will be automatically approved.

The next step in how we want to improve our customer experience is to create a new CATEGORY that a restricted area and I am asking to see if this is possible to achieve using the above maintained “auto approve email domains” list that is kept up to date.

General access to our Community will still need ADMIN approval, but access to “Category XX” would only be available to those in the “whitelist”.

Is this possible and is this difficult to create

Thank you in advance.

Discourse can automatically add new users from a specific domain to a group:

New group: /g/custom/new

Existing group: /g/my_group_name/manage/membership

To restrict access to the category: /c/my_category/edit/security

This should satisfy your requirement to control access to the restricted category.