New to API, 403 Errors

Do not specify a topic_id when creating a topic:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" \
-F "api_key=theGeneratedAPIKeyForanAdmin" \
-F "api_username=anAdmin" \
-F "title=This is an API created topic" \
-F "raw=This is the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine."

When creating a group be sure to use the id of the group and not the name of the group and to use a PUT request:

curl -X PUT "" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data;" \
-F "api_key=theGeneratedAPIKeyForUserNamedanAdmin" \
-F "api_username=anAdmin" \
-F "usernames=newForumUser"