Ning import script

Holy moly. Thanks for that “how to find it” link, because. . . WTF?

Well, I’m on I’m going to see if I can figure out how to download that next. I was hoping that I’d figure out this Ning import and add it to my menu of services. I’d thought I might offer to download the data, since it’s, complicated, but if my experience thus far is an indicator, I cannot imagine being willing to do so for under $1000. Maybe downgrading will help.

EDIT: I downgraded to Air I still got the same errors, but the JSON files parse, anyway. Whether was the answer, I do not know, but if you are having trouble getting data from Ning, you might try this. You can download old versions here.


Am I correct in understanding that in order to use the Ning import script, I have to set up a separate development environment using Vagrant, and that this import script can’t be used in a Docker-based Discourse installation? If that’s the case can someone point me to a guide for doing the Vagrant-based installation, please?


That’s how I did it, mostly because I wanted to have two environments. One for testing and one for production. It was cheaper/faster/simpler to use Vagrant for testing, but YMMV.

I used this guide:


Thanks Alex, I’m working through the guide you linked, it’s currently downloading the Vagrant container. I know literally nothing about Ruby so here’s hoping it turns out okay :slight_smile:

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