Notification Banners

:information_source: Summary The Notification Banners theme-component provides a customizable and flexible way to share messages on your site.
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Install this theme component

The Notification Banners theme-component provides a customizable and flexible way to share messages on your site.

Here are some key features:

  • Fully Customizable: Tailor each banner to suit your needs, including content, style, and behavior.
  • Flexible Display Options: Show banners stacked or as a rotating carousel for easy browsing.
  • Targeted Messaging: Display banners only to specific user groups, ensuring personalized communication.
  • Theme Support: Banners automatically adjust to light or dark themes, or you can set custom colors.
  • Markdown Support: Use Markdown to format your banner messages easily.
  • Carousel Powered by Splide: The carousel feature is powered by the Splide JavaScript library, with individual settings for each banner.
  • Scheduling: Set specific start and end dates for when banners should appear.
  • Easy Display Order: Control the order in which banners are shown with simple settings.

This component makes it easy to engage your audience with visually appealing, personalized, and well-organized notifications.


  1. Follow the official instructions to add this theme-component to your theme:

  2. Change theme authorized extensions setting to include css and js file extentions.


Each notification banner may have the following features:

  • Title, optional, displayed as a H2 heading above the message
  • Message, 500 character long simple notification message. Markdown is supported.
  • Audience, select the user groups as audience for the notification.
  • Categories; select categories to display the banner on. Leave empty to display on all categories.
  • Background color, can be set to differantiate the banner from others.
  • Plugin outlet, set notifications above or below the site header, or use the top-notices outlet to display along with native topic banners.
  • Display in a carousel, when selected, all the banners in each outlet are displayed in a carousel. Requires minimum 2 banners to be selected for any outlet.
  • Dismissable, when selected, the users will be able to dismiss the banner, and it will be hidden for them.
  • Starting and Last dates, when defined, banner’s visibility obeys to those dates. So you can set a banner in advance, but it will become visible to selected audience only on set date and time; or similarly you can automatically remove the banner by the last date it should show.
  • Display order, define which banner should be displayed top, which should be at bottom.

The Carousel

The slideshow, or the carousel functionality is provided by Splide library; it is licensed under MIT.

Each carousel can be configured on the theme-component page using the Splide options.

Banner Colors

By default, the banners will use same colors as the banner-topic:

.notification-banner {
    background: var(--tertiary-low);
    color: var(--primary);

However, when a background color is defined in banner settings, depending on its luminosity, black or white is automatically selected as the foreground color.

Available CSS Classes

// Regular stacked banner.
.notification-banner {

  &.top-notices {

  &__wrapper {
  &__close {
  &__header {
  &__content {

// Banner inside a carousel.
.splide {

  .notification-banner {

    &.top-notices {

    &__wrapper {
    &__close {
    &__header {
    &__content {

Wow! This looks amazing - and super flexible.

Have you considered being able to restrict it to a category / categories?


Thank you!

Actually I considered to include what I previously did with my Filtered Topic Lists theme-component; see the “Show on” section.

I was concerned it may make it more complicated, that’s why I didn’t include that option. Instead I opted in to use the user-groups as the audience for the banners.

But I’d be happy to include it if there would be a need for it.


Very nice @gormus, thanks for sharing this component with the community. :discourse: :clap:


Thanks @Lilly it’s my pleasure : )


when i click the X button to close this banner popup, is there any mode to make it show again? I have selected in banner background repeat: repeat; repeat-x; repeat-y but it doesn’t work?


Great! I’ll give it a real world whirl and see if it is actually needed or not before pestering you about it.


Currently not. I didn’t consider any user would like to restore a dismissed notification.
Do you think there should be an option for it?

Could you clarify what you mean?


I see what you mean, thank you!


I’d be interested in this feature also (available to specific Category(s) that is). Thank you for considering.


Categories are now supported as target audience. Single, or multiple categories can be selected per banner.

Please let me know what you think : )