Each notification banner may have the following features:
Title, optional, displayed as a H2 heading above the message
Message, 500 character long simple notification message. Markdown is supported.
Audience, select the user groups as audience for the notification.
Categories; select categories to display the banner on. Leave empty to display on all categories.
Background color, can be set to differantiate the banner from others.
Plugin outlet, set notifications above or below the site header, or use the top-notices outlet to display along with native topic banners.
Display in a carousel, when selected, all the banners in each outlet are displayed in a carousel. Requires minimum 2 banners to be selected for any outlet.
Dismissable, when selected, the users will be able to dismiss the banner, and it will be hidden for them.
Starting and Last dates, when defined, banner’s visibility obeys to those dates. So you can set a banner in advance, but it will become visible to selected audience only on set date and time; or similarly you can automatically remove the banner by the last date it should show.
Display order, define which banner should be displayed top, which should be at bottom.
The Carousel
The slideshow, or the carousel functionality is provided by Splide library; it is licensed under MIT.
Each carousel can be configured on the theme-component page using the Splide options.
Banner Colors
By default, the banners will use same colors as the banner-topic:
However, when a background color is defined in banner settings, depending on its luminosity, black or white is automatically selected as the foreground color.
Actually I considered to include what I previously did with my Filtered Topic Lists theme-component; see the “Show on” section.
I was concerned it may make it more complicated, that’s why I didn’t include that option. Instead I opted in to use the user-groups as the audience for the banners.
But I’d be happy to include it if there would be a need for it.
when i click the X button to close this banner popup, is there any mode to make it show again? I have selected in banner background repeat: repeat; repeat-x; repeat-y but it doesn’t work?
Currently my discourse page is running ver 3.4.0.beta3-dev and has an error that does not display the page when installing the banner. You can check again and have early updates for the community. Thank you for your sharing.
You need to replace meta.discourse.org with the URL of your forum. You cannot access the admin area here. https://meta.discourse.org/admin/site_settings/category/files?filter=theme%20authorized%20extensions
Or you can navigate to your site settings and search for theme authorized extensions
Another question here - when you say scheduling, is there a way to have the banner appear the same time every week? We have weekly recurring office hours that I would like this banner to display during those times, so anyone on the site can see office hours is currently happening and join if they want to
Was hoping for a more automated solution here, as we have 3 different office hour sessions a week, every week, so would be quite a bit of manual work to make duplicate banners for all of these sessions.
I looked at the Automations plugin as another option, but the banner automation also only allows for “point in time”. and not “recurring” actions.