Allows creating custom topic lists using the topic filters. The lists then can be displayed on selected pages, in selected plugin-outlets.
You can create as many lists as you need, define their headings, how many topics should be listed, what filters should be used for the query, and above all what pages they should be displayed on, and where on those pages.
Make sure to review the experimental topic list filter feature, and supported filters:
Title: An optional heading text; when provided it is displayed above the topic list.
Length: The number of topics to display.
Query: The query to filter the list
Plugin Outlet: The curated topic lists can be placed in following plugin outlets/regions:
Show on: The page to display the list on.
everywhere: Display on every page, except the /admin pages.
top_menu: Check your top menu settings, for enabled pages.
categories: The /categories page.
latest: The /latest page.
Selected categories: When show on setting is set to selected_categories, the categories selected in this field are used. The topic list will be shown on these category pages only.
Selected tags: When show on setting is set to selected_tags, the tags selected in this field are used. The topic list will be shown on these tag pages only.
Plugin Outlets
All available plugin outlets are rendered with red dashed rule around them.
Yes, the filtered topic list tables use the same CSS classes as the main topic-list table. Additionally, there are wrapping DIV elements with classes which would help you customize the topic-list tables in any plugin-outlet.
Below you can see the hierarchy, and note that the .topic-list is the default identifier for the TABLE element. You can also target specific plugin-outlet to apply different styles if you need; see the second code block;
I’m using /latest as the homepage. I added latest topics from specific categories to my homepage with this component, but I want to remove the standard and infinite scrolling Discourse’s latest topic component. I did this with CSS, but it’s affecting other pages as well. Is it possible to target latest topics component with CSS selectors only the homepage?