Original posters within a category list

I’m using the Feverbee by @pfaffman template as a basis for my customisations, and I’ve come up against an issue that I can’t find a solution for after much searching of the forums. The following section in my example contains the latest 3 entries from a specific category:

However, I can’t seem to change the user images to be those of the original poster, rather than the latest. I don’t think that information is passed by the category json, and I’m stumped in trying to add it.

I need to make this change as the latest poster may have been a member of our support staff, rather than someone who needs help.


Right so you need to pull in the users… you can edit the topicListThree section to:

  ajax("/latest.json?order=posts&ascending=true").then (function(result){
                     topicListThree = [];
                    var usersThree = result.users;
                            poster.user = $.grep(usersThree, function(e){ return e.id == poster.user_id; })[0];
                    component.set('topicListThree', topicListThree);

and then in the template you can replace the {{topic.last_poster_username}} part of the img src with {{topic.posters.[0].user.username}}


Amazing, thanks @awesomerobot. I’d got 2/3 of the way there but needed the assistance to get over the line!

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