"Out of office" user indicator

The most creative solution I’ve done on social networks in general is to replace my profile pic with a screenshot of a message saying something like:

Out of office until May 30...
If urgent, call 555-555-5555

The idea is that if people are going to interact with me, they almost always see the profile pic (in Discourse, avatar) first before starting the interaction.

So as a workaround that may work.

Other options include using the Calendar plugin:

Although those indicators may only show for moderator and admins.

Or using PM autoresponder for admins, but that plugin only seems to work for private topics (private messages).

This topic talks about it a little more: Vacation autoresponder for users who are away?

Overall, I still think changing the avatar to a screenshot of a text message is the easiest way, and maybe a secondary way would be to create a theme component that allows people to add a particular type of flair to their avatar or some type of tooltip and icon to it to let people read the text.

EDIT: I like the above suggestion about an out-of-office group that people can join and leave at will: