[PAID] Expand vimeo embed capabilities for chapters

What would you like done?
Ability to add hyperlinked chapter markers that are targeted to the embedded Vimeo player in Discourse. Clicking a chapter/time code jumps you ahead to that section. Also when someone comments on the video and simply types in timecode format like “03:43” in the replies, it makes it a hyperlink to jump to the 3 minute, 43 second mark in the embedded video on the top of the topic.

When do you need it done?
2 weeks

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
$200 +plus we would like to make the plugin freely available for the rest of the Discourse community

Example using the Vimeo Froogaloop APIs: https://codepen.io/Imperative/pen/xjdeE/

Vimeo API: https://developer.vimeo.com/player/js-api


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