Plugin to create user and topic custom fields and update these fields with a simple button

What would you like done?

Plugin to create user and topic custom fields and update these fields with a simple button. I’ve added the details below.

When do you need it done?

Whenever it ends.

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?
Working on a tight budget maybe a couple hundred dollars give me a quote and we might be able to work something out.

User “custom fields”

A custom field will be added for each user: Only admin will be able to edit these custom fields, users will not be able to edit them. It should also be editable with API (admin only)

  • wallet (if he adds money to his account and the revenues money earned from gamification will be added here "if he donates, it will be deducted from here)) (wallet will be visible only to the user and admin)
  • donated (the money he gave to someone else (donation) will be added here)
  • revenues (the money given by others (donation he received) will be added here)
  • revenues_action (points earned from gamification will be added here.
  • added_money (if he adds money to his account with money, it will be visible here)


There will be a donate button under each post. When the button is clicked, a modal will open. The modal screen will show the following:

  • The total money of the user will be shown on the left. (wallet: custom field)
  • A field where he can see the amount of donation he wants to make on the right. He should not be able to enter more than the number in the wallet field in this field. After the donate button is clicked at the bottom, the following transactions should take place:
  • The amount of the donation made will be added to the wallet(+) and revenues(+) fields of the post user will be added.
  • The amount of the donation made will be subtracted from the wallet(-) field of the user who made it and will be added to the donation(+) field.
  • The donation made will be notified to the post user and the donations made and the people who made them will be listed under the post.
  • Each donation transaction made will be recorded in a table. All details should be available and should only be visible to the admin. These transactions should be listed on a separate page in the admin and should be editable by the admin.
  • All donations made in the topic will be listed under the first post. Links will be given to the donation posts made and when clicked, it will go to that post.
  • Topic custom field (distributed_money): Donations made in the topic + points earned from gamification (post likes, replies etc.) will be added to this special field. (The purpose is to show the total points earned by each user thanks to the topic in the topic.)

User profile/User card

  • User profile
    The amount of donations received and made will be visible.
    There will be a donation tab and the amount of donations made and the post link will be here. (with the post text, it can be the first 100-200 characters)
    There will be a donation tab where the amount of donations received, the user information who made the donation and the post link of the message he made and the first 100-200 characters will be displayed.

  • User card
    The amount of donations he received and made will be visible.

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