Polls UX: Problems and solutions

Just to clarify. This is how polls looked in 2014.

The mockup I gave Regis to improve this was copied and pasted from another site that does polls exclusively. I tried to dig up the actual screenshot I cited, but Slack searching is abysmal, so I can’t locate it right now.

There are multiple things I find absolutely f***ing infuriating about this topic:

  • It is completely a color-of-bikeshed discussion at its core.

  • It is an entire series of proposed UX changes based largely on one person’s opinion and one site’s experience with absolutely zero context or understanding of how we got where we are today.

  • As shown above, It’d be going backwards to switch to native check and radio button UI.

  • The new poll UI we introduced 2015 was copied and pasted from another site that builds polls as a core part of their business, and that we thought looked nice and clear and simple, so if the current Poll UI is so OMG NOBODY CAN POSSIBLY UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS POLL UI HOW DARE YOU BUILD THIS CONFUSING MONSTROSITY IT MUST CHANGE IMMEDIATELY, how exactly did that happen?

I guess if you want to carry forward with this, you are proposing a redesign of poll UI. So the thing to do is copy and paste examples of how polls work elsewhere, ideally on sites that do nothing but build polls, to propose that we adopt that design.

If I had heard one, even one actual customer ever complain that their users are having trouble using polls, I’d be more sympathetic. For example, BBS (a huge site that’s been in operation since 2013) has done a ton of stuff with polls and there’s not a single message anywhere on that site that says “hey, this poll UI is confusing!”

TL;DR if you wish to continue this discussion, stop talking and start pasting in images. Find someplace that builds polls as a product they sell, and cite that design by screenshotting it and cropping it into a reply here as an example. You are proposing we redesign polls from scratch, so be aware that it may take many months to get to.