Possible to use Perplexity.ai?

Can I use the Perplexity Pro API with (self-hosted) Discourse? (My paid subscription includes some credits.)

Claude 3.5 generated a Plugin which my Discourse instance is seeing as a non-official plugin.

Can someone kindly tell me if I just way off track here in trying this? Or if I am (somehow, miraculously) close with this starting point?

Many thanks for any feedback or pointers!

If you are authoring a new plugin you can do anything.

That said, if all you want covered by the existing Discourse AI feature set, all you need is to install Discourse AI and go to the LLM configuration setting and configure it there, as we should support Perplexity API out of the box.


Perplexity doesn’t seem to appear anywhere in the settings as a provider…

and I do find a blank Custom template…

and I’ve got my Perplexity API Key…

What now? :thinking:

Use OpenAI but fill with the URL, Model and Key that you get from Perplexity, as they apparently adhere to the OpenAI API standard.