I understand what you mean. That would be welcome to have the end date optional. I’ve checked the code, and the logic could be improved here to allow this.
+1 from me if this could be improved. It’d really help my community.
IRL events are scheduled, often with no end time. When there’s a list of events shown in the category, it’s pretty confusing when only a few are shown with the start time after the topic title.
Additionally, if an end time is defined, the event is removed from the upcoming calendar if it has already occurred so the incentive for my users is to not define an end time. Like I said, it’s a bit confusing.
It would be great to finish this off - have been scratching my head as to why some events seemed to randomly be not showing the date / countdown in the topic lists.
Now I understand it, and have a workaround by simply adding an end date. The suggested fix looks pretty good to my very amateur eye (lack of tests not withstanding).