Private Message Send API

Are you setting the archetype? In the future if you include the request you are sending, it’ll be easier to help you.

The following example works for me:

curl https://$DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME/posts \
  -H "api-key: $DISCOURSE_API_KEY" \
  --data 'title=Testing PM creation&archetype=private_message&target_recipients=user1,user2' \
  --data-urlencode 'raw=PM body, long enough to meet site rules & may be complex ♥'

:information_source: if you are using an all_users API key you also need to specify api-username


Thanks, that’s sorted it! No, since the API documentation didn’t list archetype as required (not even “required for private message” the way target_usernames is) or say anything about what it was for I wasn’t messing with it.

Anyway, this now works, and for the reference of anyone who comes across the same problem (particuarly if using POST) the JSON-encoded body elements in my working request are:

key value
raw the raw message text
title the message/thread title
target_usernames comma-separated list of usernames
archetype the literal string private_message

This is sent as the body of a POST to /posts.json with the custom header fields

key value
Content-Type application/json; charset=UTF-8
Api-Key key data
Api-Username the username