Publish group read state on posts in which the group is mentioned

Expanding the use of this feature to include posts in which the group is mentioned could be used to help teams better coordinate either through knowing who has seen a user request or combined with the use of whispers so enabled groups can alert other group members and know who has seen the alert.

Wouldn’t liking the post have the same effect? We experimented with something like this a while back and it failed because sometimes people read or click into something quickly but don’t have a chance to read it all and plan to come back to it. Marking it as “read” caused issues because the assumption was that it was read. Explicitly acknowledging something by liking or similar was more effective.

Yes, but that depends on people remembering to actually do it.

The same arguments against could also be made for publishing read state in messages.

I was just thinking as long as you have the one, having the other makes sense too.

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