It would be nice if @team could think about adding “pull to refresh” functionality for mobile as you know from other social media apps like Twitter etc (at least for “latest” sections, possibly others make sense, too).
Something simple with the current loading spinner would be fine.
Later, you could allow adding own CSS animations or animated gifs for giving Discourse forums another possibility for branding customization:
It works in Chrome in iOS too, just not in Safari or the Discourse Hub app.
The only place where this would be remotely useful is topic lists, but even then the user is already made aware of updates and can refresh from that update prompt.
Don’t know what to see in the video… the banner can’t be reached from the easy zone on iOS, it’s not in the lower-left corner. Re market shares, that’s even worse then for communities in Europe/US.
So, I’m still advocating for a proprietary pull-to-refresh solution for Discourse to have the same UX experience on mobile across devices. That’s why most other apps do it.
Fair enough, that is your personal opinion. I have a different one.
For those interested to have a better user experience for iOS users: It is possible to build a simple component for the mobile view with the lightweight pull2refresh library (7kb minified). We did it and it works now as expected on all mobile devices without the need for 2 clicks required on iOS with the hidden feature enabled.