Rebuild - Stuck on the Bouncing Dots

I just did a ./launcher rebuild app—no changes to system-related files. I am now stuck on the discourse blinking dots.

I checked the following:

  • The docker ps shows the discourse app image (seems normal).
  • Top command shows activity (seems normal)
  • I can view the sidekiq status (seems normal)

So, I rebuilt the app again.

Same results.

I tried using Safe-mode. Everything turned off. No change. I am still receiving the blinking dots screen.

I reviewed every line of the source code. I show I have four js files that are not available. They are:

Initial review:

  • The files are not available via my CDN delivery.
  • The CDN pulls from my S3 bucket.
  • The files are not in my S3 bucket where all other assets are stored.

Looking at the rebuild results, I can see the following.

  1. The 4 files were created and written to public/assets/ with a js file extension.
  2. The 4 files were compressed and saved with a br.js file extension.

Checking my server:

  1. All 4 .js files are available on my server
  2. The .br.js files are not available on my server
  3. The .br.js files are not on my S3 bucket

What and where can I check to see why the files were not written to my S3 bucket?
Any other suggestions?

(I manually moved the 4 files to my S3 container and saved the js files with a br.js file extension. The site came up. This is only a temporary fix as I need the rebuild to work properly.)

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Did you add the stanza to upload assets?

Configure an S3 compatible object storage provider for uploads

You can find that rake task there and then run it from inside the container (to save the time of a rebuild). And then do a rebuild once you edit your yml file.

S3 has been up and running on the site for 43 days. The rake commands were placed there as part of the S3 install.

The site has been rebuilt at least 30 times. I have added additional plugins and components along the way. This would indicate that .js files have been added and populated to the S3 bucket.

The S3 component has been working great. This is the first time I have had any issues with files not being migrated to S3.

What can I investigate to understand why the files were not moved?

Does anyone know what could cause the after_assets_precompile not to run?

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