Replace the term “user”

Continuing the discussion from Maybe just remove the "Community" header in the sidebar? (A plea!):

This is a tangent from the thread above, and not nearly as important to me, but while I’m making that point, I thought I should record this one as well.

Discourse uses the term “Users” fairly promently to refer to the list of user accounts. If you are Discourse developer, you’ve maybe never thought about that — all Discourse forum users are your users, naturally.

But, many Discourse forums are deployed to handle conversations for products or projects, and those products and projects have users of their own. Those sites might very well have users and developers as different groups. Or users and testers. Or users and potential buyers.

As we are merging the user-support site Ask Fedora into the formerly-mainly-for-project-contributors Fedora Discussion, this potential confusion stood out — we’re literally going to have a section of the site that is for users, and it isn’t the thing clearly labeled “Users” on the menu.

I’ve renamed this to “People” on my site, and I think that actually might be a better general default.

(Unlike “Community”, though, I have no emotional attachment to this one — I think it would make sense, and I hope you do to, but I don’t mind if you don’t agree or don’t care.)