Report on using discourse_docker on a CoreOS image

Regarding memory use you should not expect huge across the board gains, the 40% figure is just relating to the “base OS” not the applications running.

Discourse consumes the vast majority of memory and mem usage is identical.

However, performance wise it is quite interesting.

btrfs means that we halve our boot time, so booting Discourse goes from 12 seconds down to 6.

Time to recompile assets (cached) rake assets:precompile

CoreOS (alpha 431.0.0)

real	0m38.563s
user	0m36.052s
sys	0m1.246s

Ubuntu (14.04.01 + Docker 1.2.0)

real	0m46.913s
user	0m40.888s
sys	0m5.576s

Time to start up rails time rake routes


real	0m5.790s
user	0m4.807s
sys	0m0.756s


real	0m10.267s
user	0m5.945s
sys	0m4.179s

Time to recompile assets (uncached) redis-cli flushall && rake assets:precompile


real	3m40.645s
user	3m26.428s
sys	0m2.381s


real	4m45.688s
user	4m38.128s
sys	0m8.702s

This doubling of boot time speed is most likely due to the usage of btrfs.