After the update of the forum, the category banners on mobile version go out of the box, I imagine that fixing the size of the banners could be solved.
Could anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance.
After the update of the forum, the category banners on mobile version go out of the box, I imagine that fixing the size of the banners could be solved.
Could anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance.
I think it cause this css
.category-logo.aspect-image {
width: calc(var(--max-height) * var(--aspect-ratio));
Here the max-height is 150px and the aspect ratio depending by the image. It means if you have an image with aspect ratio 6… then it will be 150 x 6 = 900px width image. So it depending the image aspect ratio.
But you can overwrite this calculation…(not this but it will affect it) with the following.
Add a fix max-width to the image. So the image cannot be wider than this value.
Add the following to mobile css section.
.category-list .category-logo.aspect-image {
max-width: 250px;
Or you can try something like this on mobile. It will calculate the viewport max width and align the image to this.
.category-list .category-logo.aspect-image {
max-width: calc(100vw - 2.5em);
Thank you so much @Don Now it looks great!
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