Restore fails - could not create unique index

Removing those two duplicates was successful, but subsequently rebuilding indices threw up new errors. Is this a major problem? How do we fix, delete that search 3433 row?

[1] pry(main)> IncomingReferer.find(44231).destroy
=> #<IncomingReferer:0x000055734c65d8e8 id: 44231, path: "/m/search", incoming_domain_id: 4>
[2] pry(main)> IncomingReferer.find(42228).destroy
=> #<IncomingReferer:0x000055734cd81a70 id: 42228, path: "/m/search", incoming_domain_id: 26>
postgres=# \connect discourse
You are now connected to database "discourse" as user "postgres".
WARNING:  cannot reindex invalid index "public.incoming_referers_pkey_ccnew" concurrently, skipping
WARNING:  cannot reindex invalid index "public.index_incoming_referers_on_path_and_incoming_domain_id_ccnew" concurrently, skipping
WARNING:  cannot reindex invalid index "pg_toast.pg_toast_2782645_index_ccnew" concurrently, skipping
ERROR:  could not create unique index "index_incoming_referers_on_path_and_incoming_domain_id_ccnew1"
DETAIL:  Key (path, incoming_domain_id)=(/search/, 3433) is duplicated.
CONTEXT:  parallel worker
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