I’m attempting to migrate a forum to a new server. Both servers are running the latest version of discourse docker. When importing the backup via command line, I get the following error:
ERROR: could not create unique index "index_incoming_referers_on_path_and_incoming_domain_id"
DETAIL: Key (path, incoming_domain_id)=(/search/, 418) is duplicated.
EXCEPTION: psql failed: DETAIL: Key (path, incoming_domain_id)=(/search/, 418) is duplicated.
This seems to the same or similar error as:
However, in my case the duplicated records are in the /search/ path rather than /m/search as is the case on the thread linked above.
I’ve connected to the container on the old server (./launcher enter app) and in the Rails console (rails c) I’ve tried to search for the duplicated records using:
IncomingReferer.where(path: "/search")
and IncomingReferer.where("path LIKE '%/search%'")
However, this results in 100’s of records being displayed. How can I work out what records are duplicated, and how can I safely delete these and rebuild? The forum is currently working fine on the old server, we just need to move to new hardware.
The old server doesn’t have a file called PG_VERSION, how can I tell what version its running? I’ve updated the docket install to the latest version today.
The new server (newly bootstrapped) is running postgres V13
cat shared/standalone/postgres_data/PG_VERSION
Is there a recommended procedure on how to do this?
I had a topic that had some hints, but I don’t see it anymore. It’s been close to a year since the postgres 12 upgrade.
reindex index index_incoming_referers_on_path_and_incoming_domain_id;
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('reindex index index_incoming_referers_on_path_and_incoming_domain_id;')
Are ways to try to rebuild the index. It’ll give you an error and you can then go and delete the errant records. You’ll need to include both the path and the ID.
DELETE FROM incoming_referers WHERE path LIKE '%/search/' AND id IN (6247);
Then rebuild
WARNING: cannot reindex invalid index "public.incoming_referers_pkey_ccnew" concurrently, skipping
WARNING: cannot reindex invalid index "public.index_incoming_referers_on_path_and_incoming_domain_id_ccnew" concurrently, skipping
WARNING: cannot reindex invalid index "pg_toast.pg_toast_20732_index_ccnew" concurrently, skipping
Then I took another backup, copied it to the new server, and it imported successfully
It would be nice if the backup process could spot duplicates to avoid any issues, I was luckily that I had access to the original server which was still running. If I was restoring a cold backup, this would probably have been more of an issue>