I have set up two categories.
I have set up two groups (as I THINK this is the way to do permissions.
What I am trying to achieve.
Users in group A have access to Category A (A being example here)
Users in group B have access to Category B (but can see - not the content of Cat A but they can see the other Cat heading for example.
Basically I have two groups of users of our product at different levels and I need to restrict access based on that
The problem is. As soon I change from Everyone to a certain Group, the Badges are no longer triggered!
Is there another way to do this?
I have members from a membershipsite that are automatically put to group “members” and non-members are put to group “nomembers”
nomembers shouldn’t be able to see anything in the forum, while the members have access to everything. However, as said before, the badges are not triggered the way I set it up.
Many of the automatic Badges by design are only granted on categories that are unrestricted, this is by design it would be a huge change of the badge system to amend this. It seems unfair for Sam to have the “Great Post” badge and then when you try to figure out what post, you can not see it.
Hm ok. Not sure how I can restrict non-members (in Wordrpess membership entering the forum via SSO) then from accessing the forum other than restricting the categories for certain user groups without losing the badge feature. Am I missing something and the way I implemented it is wrong in the first place?
That would have to be done on the SSO provider. If a user tries to SSO and shouldn’t have access to the forum, the system you run which provides SSO should halt the auth chain and present an error message “You can’t access the forum because X”