UPDATE: I think I’ve got it (mostly) working (!). Now, this will show the “latest” topics matching the custom field value. (the #latest method was the closest one I could find that made sense in the config/routes.rb
It’s important that, in fact, all topics that have the relevant custom field fun_level
value are loaded onto the page. Is there something else I need to do to make that happen?
Here’s the code for my own notes and in case helpful to others:
–I’ve created the custom field :fun_level. Then:
TopicQuery.add_custom_filter(:fun_level) do |topics, query|
if query.options[:fun_level]
topics.where("topics.id in (
SELECT topic_id FROM topic_custom_fields
WHERE (name = 'fun_level')
AND value = '#{query.options[:fun_level]}'
/connectors/my-plugin-outlet/fun-level.js.es6 (a javascript file that is activated when going to relevant page. So this javascript could be in an initializer or in a connector linking up to a plugin outlet. I like to use code that goes with a connector, so I’ll use setup component here):
const ajax = require('discourse/lib/ajax')
export default {
setupComponent(args, component) {
let parsedResultArray = []
var endPoint = '/latest?fun_level=' + funLevel //funLevel = variable with value from the params
ajax(endPoint).then(function (result) {
console.log('topic list result for topics matching that fun level = ')
//parse results, and load them into parsedResultArray
component.set('showTopics', parsedResultArray
Now, the topics will be loaded into the {{topic-list topics=showTopics}}
I have in the corresponding component, that’s put in the template through my-plugin-outlet.
This is a big step forward. Thank you very much, @angus.