Review queue: New user entered profile information without reading any topics or posts. Advise welcome

Today in the review queue saw this

Other than the profile created by the user I don’t see anything else that is suspicious.

I did check their registration IP address to see if it was a duplicate IP, it was not. For now I will approve the user and keep an eye open.

So the question: Is there anything else that I should check or think about related to this specific flag?

(Quoted text here so the words can be indexed by a search engines and then found by a person with a search.)

This new user entered profile information without reading any topics or posts, which strongly suggests they may be a spammer. See approve suspect users.


No, just look at their “About Me” and link settings as a new user. If they don’t look spammy, then you are fine.

But it is a hallmark of spammers to sign up, read nothing, and fill these fields with spam. It has no real effect since we don’t show links of any kind on TL0 user profiles; try viewing a TL0 user profile as an anonymous / incognito user to see what I mean.


Is there a setting to disable this check?

We have a new Discourse instance for an established community using our own OAuth login. In just three days of life, the new forum has caught several users with this filter. In this context, it is not uncommon that people want to “dress up” a bit before joining the conversations. Meanwhile, a spammer would need to create first an account somewhere else to log in to our Discourse, which is a big filter in itself.

I understand that this might be a corner case, but I wanted to share it anyway. :slight_smile:


I have this same exact use case using SSO and overriding bios. I’ve gotten 10 or so in the past day as people explore the newly created forums. I’m assuming it’s a little discouraging to not immediately see their forum profile’s bio updated… would love a way to auto-approve these cases!

There’s the akismet review users admin setting that could help:

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That looks like it’s only with the akismet plugin - i’m just rolling the default discourse, and I haven’t found an appropriate setting unfortunately. I’m sure even if I used akismet, it’d still pipe bios to default discourse spam checker too as this is around new user permissions.

Not sure on that last part, but would prefer no plugin if possible.

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Ah, sorry, that is indeed the akismet one. There is this one which may be more helpful: :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh wow, that is indeed exactly right! Thank you, your setting search skills are much better than mine!

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