Right Sidebar Blocks

Yes, exactly :confused:

How do I make this feature available on my smartphone?

This component is for the desktop view only. There is not much room on a mobile phone for a sidebar.

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Thanks for this component.

I have some questions.

1- Is there way show block in a topic ?

2- Can we make the block sticky?

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Check out Discourse Bars 🍻 🍸 (a sidebar framework) which supports Topic Route and stickiness


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discourse Bars :beers: :cocktail: (a sidebar framework)

Love this TC, thank you! Is there anything I can do to help this sidebar play nice with the redditish theme’s custom right sidebar? Hoping to have this TC sit below the existing theme blocks.

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I suggest showing more blocks about the profile of the topic creator.

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Hey all!

I’ve just made a small update to this plugin so that you can utilize the component with subcategories, not just top-level categories :smiley: If you are using the upcoming-events-list component via the Calendar plugin, be sure to add the desired subcategory to the Calendar settings under events calendar categories.


This looks like a great replacement for discourse layouts. I managed to get the “category-topics” to work, but i fail to get “upcoming-events-list” to work at all. I want it shown on the default view/discovery on the side as “upcoming…” but I cannot get it to render anything. All the upcoming events are in their own category (events). I think i misunderstood something :slight_smile:

Edit: Ok, so it shows up if i go into that category. But the reason why i want it in the side bar is because i want it to be visible on the front page, not having to go into the category… Any pointers?


If you leave the routes setting blank, I believe it will show up on all pages except the category list.

Yep, show_in_routes – “When empty, the sidebar is shown on all list routes.”

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So I should add that parameter and leave it empty?

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Yes, updating that field to be empty should do what you want, assuming I’m understanding correctly :slight_smile:

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