S3 uploads incompatible with server-side encryption

I’m trying to migrate an existing Discourse server to a new AWS-based environment, storing uploads in S3 in a bucket using server-side encryption with customer-managed keys (SSE-C). During the restore process, uploads aren’t making it into S3 – every single upload fails. With the judicious use of tap|p debugging, I’ve discovered that the upload is being made, but the validation of the returned etag is failing because the etag returned from S3 after upload is different every time. For example, this is the return value of the put_object call on two different attempts to restore:

# Run 1
#<struct Aws::S3::Types::PutObjectOutput expiration=nil, etag="\"d49ec2006cfd6fe957af2f711edd9a4b\"", checksum_crc32=nil, checksum_crc32c=nil, checksum_sha1=nil, checksum_sha256=nil, server_side_encryption="aws:kms", version_id="xAF23wQ.zwpoxVmmGiTjxfX0svMZbHAe", sse_customer_algorithm=nil, sse_customer_key_md5=nil, ssekms_key_id="**redacted**", ssekms_encryption_context=nil, bucket_key_enabled=true, request_charged=nil>

# Run 2:
#<struct Aws::S3::Types::PutObjectOutput expiration=nil, etag="\"05edffee421c6aef950b3d4418ada293\"", checksum_crc32=nil, checksum_crc32c=nil, checksum_sha1=nil, checksum_sha256=nil, server_side_encryption="aws:kms", version_id="H2_8SVh.Yx2LKB4GIjhyPbVoj_.Vc1E2", sse_customer_algorithm=nil, sse_customer_key_md5=nil, ssekms_key_id="**redacted**", ssekms_encryption_context=nil, bucket_key_enabled=true, request_charged=nil>

(I know these are the same files because I’m also printing out the client-side MD5 sum and the put_object request options, which include the filename)

It turns out that the ETag response header behaves… differently when using SSE-C:

Objects encrypted by server-side encryption with customer-provided keys (SSE-C) or AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) keys (SSE-KMS) have ETags that are not an MD5 digest of their object data.

The only way I can find to do integrity verification of uploads with SSE-C is to send the Content-MD5 request header, and let S3 do the corruption detection. Note also that the already-uploaded check will also break when using SSE-C, but at least that can be disabled using SKIP_ETAG_VERIFY.

I’m not submitting a PR straight off because there’s two different ways to approach this:

  1. just extend the SKIP_ETAG_VERIFY to encompass post-upload verification, which is cheap and hacky, and requires users to know that their use of SSE-C means they’ll have to turn that on; or
  2. Switch to using the Content-MD5 header (preferably always) to do upload integrity protection, which has the benefit of working for everyone, at the cost of a far larger PR.

(As an aside, I’m rather disturbed that nobody has hit this before – is nobody using Discourse with SSE-C for uploads?!?)


My guess is that “secure uploads” is used in only very specific cases, which makes 99.8% of all uploads being served publicly anyway, which renders any kind of encryption-at-rest useless?

You are not wrong here Matt, this is the first time this has been brought up as far as I know.

(2) seems like the correct approach to me if you can swing it.

Otherwise I guess you will not have confidence the files are all there properly.

Once you get all the uploads into your S3 bucket is the general operation of Discourse OK? Are other changes needed for day to day use (thinking things like inventory may break - maybe changes are needed for pre-signed urls, etc…)


I’ll try to swing it. Thankfully, finding everywhere that mentions “etag” should be enough to find all the code locations that need changing, and the test suite is nicely laid out so I can find what needs to be run and changed fairly easily.

As far as other things that may break go, I haven’t managed to get as far as a working site just yet, and I’ll keep reporting/PRing as I go along. Inventory shouldn’t break, because only the file content is encrypted, not the names. I probably won’t find out if pre-signed URLs will break, as I’m not using them.


I’ve just opened this PR which removes ETag-based upload verification during S3 migration. Turns out it’s only used during migration to S3; on regular upload, it’s just YOLO’d, which made my life a lot easier. With this PR, and the ACL disabling site setting PR previously submitted, I have a completed restore now. Next step: testing features.


I think this has now been merged. :partying_face:

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