Search a term in Japanese

Thank you for your reply.

  1. A sample paragraph here in katakana

  2. A sample search term that you have that is not working
    The “テスト” is not working.

    But the “通報” or “通報テスト” seems to be working correctly.

  3. Confirmation that your site locale is in Japanese or that search tokenize chinese japanese korean is enabled
    Yes, I have confirmed that both settings are set correctly.

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An incredible thing happened. After changing the ‘min search term length’ from the default value of 2 to 1, we are now able to search for katakana. I don’t know why, but is this setting relevant?

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I can repro this and it is mainly due to a combination of


The term テスト is converted to テ ス ト after going through CppjiebaRb and this trips the min_search_length protector we have.

@sam This is tricky to fix because we need a proper tokenizer for Japanese to resolve search issues like this for good. We can do tweaks here and there but it is going to be a game of wack a mole.


I don’t think there exists a proper Japanese segmentar we can use.

I think the best thing to do here is simply tone down these defaults to 1.

Otherwise we are banning people from searching for house in Japanese which seems reasonable (家) … we allow people to search for house in English.


I don’t use Ruby these days nor don’t know the requirement from Discourse but there seems to be a gem for “mecab”.

I came to this topic because I found that searching some words doesn’t work on my hosted public instance. I have

  • min search term length: 1
  • search tokenize chinese japanese korean: enabled
  • default locale: Japanese

IIRC, I’ve initialized the site with English locale and changed the setting to Japanese later.

The words I found failed to search are “北側”, “真上”, “一般”. These words are in this topic. Many words work but these don’t. I don’t see any pattern whether a word works or not.

Is there a way to check the generated search index on the hosted instance? I can read both Ruby and Japanese so if there is a way to see how Discourse generate search index for CJK, I might be some help.

CppjiebaRb, or cppjieba, mentioned by @tgxworld seems to be for Chinese. Is it used for Japanese locale?


Mecab is sadly not an option, it is GPL and we prefer only to take on MIT and BSD licenses in dependencies

We have a PR that will add TinySegmenter: Javascriptだけで実装されたコンパクトな分かち書きソフトウェア which has a compatible license. Can you try out the segmenting and let us know how well it works, there is a form on the website you can use to test


I’ve tried tiny_segmenter from Rubygems and at least it does generate the words I’ve listed in the previous comment.

# coding: utf-8
require 'tiny_segmenter'
require 'pp'

s ='topic27.txt')

ts =
sg = ts.segment(s, ignore_punctuation: true)
bundle exec ruby test.rb | grep -e 北側 -e 真上 -e 一般

A quick search about TinySegmenter told me that the model it uses isn’t as good. There is model generator for it.

I haven’t tried it though.