Search Banner

Worked perfectly fine, Thanks!


3 posts were split to a new topic: Can I add line breaks to Search Banner subheader text?

This is a super minor gripe, but the name of this Theme Component comes through as discourse-search-banner.

This looks quite untidy next to the other official TCs, which would have it as Discourse Search Banner or better yet just Search Banner

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Yeah, I think I’ve spotted a couple more like that on my travels. It would be nice to clean those up.

Is it as easy as chucking in a PR for the about.json, or are there any other considerations?


I think it is. Here goes:



When I resize my window, specifically when I make it smaller or zoomed in, the background does not auto adjust and remains left aligned. Is there a way to fix it?

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Seems Discourse has the same issue that I have in my community, the overlay takes some time to cover whatever is under the search underlay (Discover) :
2024-07-05 14.42.23

It’s more pronounce in my community :
2024-07-05 14.49.53

Wondering if anyone came across a fix for that, potentially a delay to display the overlay? Might lead to a bad experience.

the issue is with :

conditional-loading-section:not(.is-loading) {
    transition: opacity 5s ease-in-out;

You can’t use the custom CSS to set this to none this is getting overwritten by the theme default conditional-loading-section.scss