This theme component is only required when sites want to support external searches. Otherwise, you may update the Search experience setting to Search field in site header to move site search to the header.
Hello, first of all really good theme component. Works very well for me.
I have a small suggestion for improvement. The search bar should certainly not be displayed in a login-required forum, since it can not be used anyway.
I would be very happy if someone can fix this bug. I know it doesn’t affect many, but I love this theme component and this problem keeps me from using it
Another small glitch I came across: I can use the default “/” shortcut to enter the search input field. But it won’t expand the drop-down showing results. I’d need to click in the input field manually for that to happen which makes the keyboard shortcut kind of useless.
You can customize this color by adding some css to a local theme-component if you have one you’ve created for adding custom css.
If you havent done this, visit /admin/customize/themes and click on components, then install.
When the modal pops up, select to Create New, then name your component. You will be taken to the component’s new page where you can select the theme to apply it to. You will want to apply it to the installed theme.
To add the css, click on Edit CSS/HTML and add the css to the common page and save.