Seeking Feedback On My New Site

Ok, ok, very interesting. So that I guess is giving me a transparent background? When I am light mode, it blends in with white BG and same with dark mode.

EDIT: I fixed it! Added this to color definitions:

$dark-theme-ins: #3a3b3c;
$light-theme-ins: #f0f2f5;
$tag-bgs: dark-light-choose($light-theme-ins, $dark-theme-ins);

Add this to the :root { section:
--tag-bgs2: #{$tag-bgs};

Added this to the .discourse-tags { a { area in the other .scss file:
background: var(--tag-bgs2) !important;

Thank you guys so much for getting me there, haha. Good 6hrs of my life wasted on some light/dark mode tag background colors. Nice.


Slow again in Oregon at 5:30pm. ~22 seconds to load

Dang, really? This is the optimal time to test that, tbh. Peak hours where the server is hosted. Especially on a weekend.

Any of you here happen to be online to see if slow again for you? @Lilly @bryce

Or anyone who said it was fast earlier, haha? @jimkleiber @Heliosurge @MikeNolan @Arkshine

I canā€™t really test it myself because itā€™s always been fast for me.

I noticed like 2 or 3 seconds before loading, but now itā€™s fast.


Still loads fine for me, no significant delays


Had a long load time here (probably close to a minute), but I am on my mobile data ATM. (Though everything else loads quicklyā€¦)


It was about 10-12 seconds for me on mobile.



can you please not @ me unless it is something that specifically concerns me in particular, or if replying directly? thank you.


Just for note FKB Pro - Social theme is contains custom color variables.

Here you can follow the pattern.

The only difference is, these are connects with theme settings so you can modify it with settings. This is why it use this format #{$setting_name} and not HEX color codes.

But you can add new ones in your fork which uses HEX as you wish.

Add these to after line 14:

$dark-theme-tags-bg: #3a3b3c;
$light-theme-tags-bg: #f0f2f5;

After line 20:

$tags-bg: dark-light-choose($light-theme-tags-bg, $dark-theme-tags-bg);

After line 27:

--tags-bg: #{$tags-bg};


Then you can change the current background here in your fork:

to :arrow_down_small:

background: var(--tags-bg);

Some raw feedback. Please note that by itā€™s nature, Iā€™m focussing on the things that I think need improvement, that means it might come across as negative, which isnā€™t the intention :hugs:

I find the homepage extremely negative in tone. I know itā€™s a privacy forum, so a lot will be about breaches etc. But seeing various headlines like this

Outlook Is The Latest Data Aggregation Service From Microsoft

Ever use Microsoftā€™s Outlook e-mail service? You might want to re-think it or change e-mail providers!
feels excessively focussing on the negative.

Iā€™d make sure to align the visual styles of your homepage and your community homepage. Use the same logo and colour scheme etc.

Iā€™d rename the category ā€œforumsā€, it feels odd to have a ā€œforumsā€ category on your forum. Probably rename it to something more like ā€œDiscussionā€ or ā€œPrivacyā€ etc.

I donā€™t see a privacy policy or T&Cs, which feels strange. Even if you arenā€™t storing anything, make that explicit.

And in general, community management wise, Iā€™m missing some Call to Actions.
What is your expected audience, what should they be discussing, why should be be discussing it here?


Donā€™t worry about that; break my heart into pieces! I want the most cruel, brutal feedback, haha. Anything to improve!

I do have a Dark/Light mode in mind for the blog home page like the forums have. See, the strange thing for me is that, I do have Light mode set as default on the forums, but even in a private tab and not logged into an account, it still always shows in Dark mode for me, so at this point, I just assumed it was defaulting to Dark mode somehow still. Glad to know that isnā€™t the case. Not sure why it wonā€™t default to light mode for me, though. No browser extensions turned on either that would make it Dark mode. This happens on mobile and Desktop for me. Weird.

Logo-wise, I can definitely do that. The laptop logo is for mobile-only on the forums, but I suppose it would be good to be consistent on the blog home page for Desktop.

I actually have this pointed out in the FAQ page, but I can maybe make a website footer on the forums and link that stuff there?

Good point. How do you recommend I go about this? Should I put this stuff in a site footer? A post? Etc

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Discourse actually comes with built in functionality for TOS and Privacy, if you undelete those topics, they are automatically linked in various places, see e.g. the about page from Meta:

This is a wide topic :slight_smile: Feverbee has some good pieces of advice:


I think you have to fill the company name setting for those topics to appear.

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EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out with:
@media screen and (max-width:767px) property (assuming thatā€™s the right width to use for mobile).

Thanks a ton! Not sure if this is still in your realm, but about the logoā€¦any idea how I would have it moved to the right (as shown in vid, so it lines up with the Forums logo), but not get messed up on mobile? For Desktop, I have padding set to 0px 0px 0px 288px so that it is pushed to the right and looks fine. However, on mobile, itā€™s cut off now. Video example below:

It really isnā€™t, sorry :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll try this because, yeah, I donā€™t see those topics on my Forums, even deleted ones. Do I do that on the /wizard URL?

You can also search for the setting. Iā€™m not a fan of re running the wizard.

Oh, nice. All I had to do was add a name at company name setting.

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My apologies was away last weekend.