Simple alternatives to SSO login?

We have been using Discourse-hosted forums for many years, however over time the SSO software has aged and broken. Because the processes involving SSO and login are complicated and thereby too costly to restore and maintain, and because forums are only a very minor part of our website, we would like to abandon SSO login, sign out, account creation, deletion. Is it possible then to simply leave these processes entirely up to Discourse?

I realize this would involve new users of our site having to create new accounts and manage them and we would be required to inform departing users that they are responsible for Discourse account deletion.

If this is possible, what Discourse admin panel configurations must I make? Are there any potential pitfalls or user migration processes to help them manage?

If you’ve been using discourse_connect (or most any other such system) just disable it and Discourse will use the local users table. Users will need to go through the forgot password process to set a password (unless you set up social logins like gmail and so on, in which case they can use those if the email address matches the one they signed up with).

At least, that’s probably what will happen. You’d want to do some testing :slight_smile:

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