Simplified Large Language Model (LLM) configurations for Discourse AI

:partying_face: We are proud to announce that we have finally shipped the new LLM settings page available through the Discourse AI plugin (/admin/plugins/discourse-ai/ai-llms)

Whats new?

  • A dedicated page for all the LLMs settings you need for Discourse AI features
  • Be able to create and add multiple LLM connections and configure them
  • We’ve made it easy to add all popular LLM connections by pre-populating some of the information so all you’ll really need is the API key
  • We’ve removed 20+ site settings and moved them over to the relevant LLM provider to reduce clutter. When you select a provider you see everything in one place
  • Test to make sure connections are working properly
  • Enable for AI Bot and other AI features once the connections are added successfully

Give it a try and let us know what you think :pray:

Full details are available here.


Tanks a lot !