Discobot unresponsive

Hi there fine folks,

In our endmyopia forum discobot stopped functioning some time ago. Sending it a PM or asking it to start a tutorial ends up in nothing but silence. Upon making such a request the logs show nothing. Any clue to what might be off here? Discourse is running on the latest instance (v2.3.0.beta9 +28).

Repeating the same request in here does result in discobot responding like it should.

This usually means something is amiss with your Sidekiq which does all background tasks in Discourse.


Sidekiq shows on it’s dashboard as being “Inactive”. Is this suppose to be the case and if not, how do we get it to restart?

It turns out this simple setting got magically disabled somehow:

Everything is up and running again. So if discobot is silent, check that setting first!


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