"Something went wrong" when liking posts using hearts

Anyone else had a problem since last night specifically with likes using HEART. It generates a “something is wrong” message, no heart love shown on any threads or in topic listings since, and our colour scheme has changed. Other emojis working and do not generate the message. Reported across our members. On both desktop and mobile app.
Have tried turning off the reactions app and restarting… no change. Any suggestions?

Does it happen in safe mode?


(You may want to try disabling the theme, but leaving the official plugins enabled to check the Reactions, and then trying safe mode again with official plugins disabled to check your base Likes work)


@Vander is this still the case? It is very possible that the issue was happening during a scheduled maintenance window.

We had one 6 days ago. We keep https://status.discourse.org/ up to date to help you there .

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