Specific customization for each category

I think it’s a good idea that we can assign a class for a body based on category name or something like that. In that way, we can customize each category to have a difference styling.

I know not everyone needs this, but it’d be nice to have.


Yes please! For example, on the BBS, you could add a customization like this:

/* 'GAMES' CATEGORY SELECTOR HERE*/ article[data-user-id="3296"] {
    background: url("<img src='//assets-meta-cdck-prod-meta.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/3X/d/d/dd86d8f63287493add6648ba1c63bf081e466848.png'>");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* 'GAMES' CATEGORY SELECTOR HERE*/ article[data-user-id="6769"] {
    background: url("<img src='//assets-meta-cdck-prod-meta.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/original/3X/d/d/dd86d8f63287493add6648ba1c63bf081e466848.png'>");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

In order to give a special styling to Donald​_​​Petersen’s and Jonas_Eggeater’s posts.


hi @riking is this still an idea that we should consider working on. i don’t know if it’s good enough to do what I said in the first post which is adding category name to html element.

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