Standard upgrade is failing on missing yarn dependency

I’ve a vanilla installation of Discourse and upgrade regularly. Today’s upgrade is failing (last 20 or so commits) with the following info:

Missing yarn packages:
Package: ember-auto-import
  * Specified: ^1.12.0
  * Installed: 1.11.2

Run `yarn` to install missing dependencies.

and then:

An error occurred in the constructor for ember-cli-dependency-checker at /var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/node_modules/ember-cli-dependency-checker

Any ideas appreciated


Dito same error here, since yesterday (I guess?):

Missing yarn packages:
Package: deepmerge
  * Specified: ^4.2.2
  * Installed: (not installed)

Package: ember-auto-import
  * Specified: ^1.12.0
  * Installed: 1.11.2

Package: ember-test-selectors
  * Specified: ^6.0.0
  * Installed: (not installed)

Package: jsdom
  * Specified: ^18.1.1
  * Installed: 16.5.3

Package: node-fetch
  * Specified: ^2.6.6
  * Installed: 2.6.1

Run `yarn` to install missing dependencies.

Stack Trace and Error Report: /tmp/error.dump.0e24fbc30724fe2e817313ef26710192.log
An error occurred in the constructor for ember-cli-dependency-checker at /var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/node_modules/ember-cli-dependency-checker

The update finishes are multiple restarts, but not optimal.
Feel free to request the Error Report via PM :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!


just noticed this notice:

Does that have anything to do with the failed update? Since I have a docker-setup I thought everything is installed and provided within the container/image.

I’m running docker, too but I don’t see a Sidekiq alert. Where is that @Martin_Anonym ?

Just go to /admin there it pops up for me:

Thanks, will look into this later. Let’s focus here on the yarn error :slight_smile:

I’d guess it’s unrelated as I’m not seeing that but have the same yarn problem.

Were these upgrades done via ./launcher rebuild app? Or via the web UI at /admin/upgrade?

1 Like

@Amicable @Martin_Anonym I just pushed a fix to docker_manager (the plugin which provides the /admin/upgrade functionality). Please try visiting /admin/upgrade again - it should show an available update for docker_manager.

Install that, then visit /admin/upgrade again, and run an “Upgrade All”. Then, things should be back in working order.

Let us know how you get on.


@david all this is via web UI

Unfortunately the docker update bumps into the same problem:

Purging temp files
Bundling assets
W, [2022-02-09T14:26:55.473166 #7030]  WARN -- : Removed sourceMappingURL comment for missing asset '/' from /var/www/discourse/vendor/assets/javascripts/popper.js
yarn run v1.22.15
$ /var/www/discourse/app/assets/javascripts/node_modules/.bin/ember build -prod

Missing yarn packages:
Package: ember-auto-import
  * Specified: ^1.12.0
  * Installed: 1.11.2

It’s letting me push on and I see:

Bundle complete! 127 Gemfile dependencies, 176 gems now installed.
Gems in the groups 'test' and 'development' were not installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle`
$ yarn install --production
yarn install v1.22.15
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
warning Resolution field "lodash@4.17.21" is incompatible with requested version "lodash@4.17.15"

It’s bundling and seems to be building… just have to wait a little more


All good @david thank you :pray:


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