Again, this worked fairly recently. But now when we run it: (a) the suspended count shown on the user page goes up by one, but (b) the user is actually not suspended correctly. They don’t show as suspended in the UI, and return as active the next time we pull the users list.
It seems like there was an update to the suspend dialog. I can now pull down an option that says forever vs. the 9999 days use, as well as an email reason for the suspension. I don’t remember seeing that before, but I could be wrong as I only suspend people when they leave the company (so far). I would expect that the API would need to change, probably the doc hasn’t caught up to it.
OK, thanks for all the help. It threw me off a bit that the new suspend UI is using a form, rather than posting JSON, but posting the form contents seems to work fine.
I like to think medical advances will someday lengthen lifespan. Pessimist that I am, I don’t hold hope that I’ll see a day of the year 2291 (five nines, 99999 days)