Synchronizer-base for any backup provider

Not working for google drive either

There’s a thread re the dropbox plugin and required versions of public_suffix. There is a fork, which is sadly now out of date with that requirement.

But even if that dependency is tweaked, it’s been broken since September, with the following showing up in the logs:

Job exception: uninitialized constant Jobs::SyncBackupsToDropbox::Backup Did you mean? BackupFile

For now these plugins seem to be abandoned :frowning:

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So what’s the May 2019 recommended way to backup Discourse on Dropbox, or another major free cloud storage provider?

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Alas I just discovered that the Google Drive plugin not only doesn’t work, but it prevented a successful upgrade. I had to remove it to complete a ./launcher rebuild app.

Probably because Google is currenly experiencing some issues with their online services?

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Actually, no, it breaks on install: a gem version conflict.

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