The /about page does not display moderators that are also administrators

Here’s one other topic I’ve participated in which delved into this admin vs. moderator territory: Delegating additional trust to moderators or other groups

And in the past I have also suggested having a separate section in docs here for moderators: Restructured #howto docs

I think there was some related conversation I had with @erlend_sh back when we were playing with a documentation site that pulled content from meta, but I can’t find it right now.

But to summarize, I agree. I think better distinguishing these roles in the app, the UI, and the docs / how we talk about them here could go a long way towards us all refining our mental model and building a better shared understanding about these different roles and their different needs.

Coming back to this specific request, I think one option that could meet your need and also prevent unwanted duplication on the about page that @codinghorror highlighted would be to do the following:

  1. Collapse the separate Our Admins and Our Moderators sections on the page into a single Our Staff section.
  2. Under each avatar, indicate the roles of the people, which could be:
    • Admin
    • Moderator
    • Admin & Moderator