Tickets Plugin 🎟

So just to confirm, everything (including the assign integration) is working as expected for you, if tickets redirect assigned is enabled? I’ll look at the issue itself tomorrow.

Yes, we can look at adding this, but the plugin needs unit tests before we do this so it’s not going to happen for at least a few months. The most important thing to address in this plugin is hardening the existing functionality so it’s easier to address compatibility issues (like the recent tag issue) when they arise.

The main reason this plugin hasn’t gotten more attention is because we simply don’t have enough time. But there is a way you can help us solve that. Find a developer who has some experience with Ruby on Rails and JavaScript, or is willing to learn, put them in contact with me and I’ll mentor them as the maintainer of this plugin. I’m always willing to teach a man (or woman) to fish as the saying goes.

Are you a developer? I’d be happy to help you get started with Discourse development so you can take over the plugin. Start out here and once you’re done I’ll set you up with the some beginner tasks involving the Tickets Plugin.