Time window pulldown on meta start page, but not on local instance?

I am looking for a way how to activate the pulldown which filters the displayed topics to those which appeared in the last week. I can see this on meta, but not on my own instance:


Is this a feature which is exclusive to discourse.org hosted instances? Or do I need a theme component which I am not aware of? My instance is a current 3.1.0.beta4

Hi Thomas :wave:

It should be enabled by default on any instance.

Does it work in safe mode?

How old is your forum?

I don’t see any reason for which the arrow wouldn’t be displayed besides having a faulty theme component, a CSS issue or a very new forum (I’m not even sure the arrow wouldn’t be here in this case).

the forum was set-up in 2021.
And even with save mode (accessed through Netzwissen Forum - Für nette Leute mit Ideen) I dont see anything. Not in the default theme and not in the modern theme (tested with Material and Sams Simple Theme …).

I also dont see any config option for it - strange …

That option is only visible on the /top view - and visiting https://forum.netzwissen.de/top I can see it. :+1:

I’ve just spotted you don’t have ‘top’ in your options. You can add it to the list using the top menu admin setting:


Hi Jammy,
that did the trick - problem is solved, it was just a small misconfiguration

Thanks to all !!!


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