I think it is what we want. Just a hint where the link going – some domain in Japan. That’s enough, and correct.
The perfect is the enemy of the good, my friends.
(turns out Kumamoto is a prefecture in Japan, I guess analogous to a “state” in the “united states” so that’s plenty good. The US equivalent might be tulsa.oklahoma.us which means seeing a link as oklahoma.us is absolutely correct!)
Can I confirm that the original intent is to “Extract the domain without the subdomains” even though the approach was too simplistic?
It only fixes that particular case though. If we introduce that solution, we’ll end up showing the full domain for domains like m.abv.bg which is what you didn’t want.
That sounds correct to me, the goal is to shorten, to reduce redundant or over specific information, but if it’s already quite short to begin with, why bother?
Yes, I am ABSOLUTELY against it. Far too much complexity and overhead for something we can handle with a simple heuristic. Please implement the heuristic I suggested.
So at minimum we PLEASE need to suppress the part of the string beginning with www. from the display here… this is so hideous. I do not care about TLD perfection, what I care about is hideous awful repetitive output appearing for users.
I built mini_suffix today which is a super simple wrapper around libpsl. Currently, it only exposes psl_registrable_domain for now because that is all we need.