Topic views doesn't update on rest API requests

In last Version 3.4.0.beta4-dev I noted that topic views doesn’t update when using rest API requests. Even putting headers likeDiscourse-Visible, X-Requested-With or even more

‘Discourse-Visible’: ‘true’,
‘Discourse-Logged-In’ : ‘true’,
‘Discourse-Present’: ‘true’,
‘Discourse-Track-View’: ‘true’,
‘Discourse-Track-View-Topic-Id’: 2214

I don’t know if this is a bug or is something that is programmed like that. But in previous version this behaviour didn’t happen

I would be very grateful if you could help me with this issue.

Thank you very much

Is this something that just happening to me ?

I would really appreciate any help you can give me with this problem. I’ve tried several things without success. I think I’ve set all the possible headers I’ve seen in the reverse engineering I’ve done, and the views still aren’t updating. I think there must be a header I’m missing.

By the way I’m using admin API keys instead of User api keys. I hope this is not a problem

Thank you very much

API requests don’t track views, unconditionally, by design.

I guess you are after some feature request here to allow you to track views via our API, recategorizing.


hmmm :thinking:
Thank you @sam but I wonder why before 3.4.0.beta-4 version it did it ?

also if User::last_seen_at is updated why not the views ?

When you say a feature it means a plugin that allow me to track views via API ?

Thank you again