Trading buttons: Buy, Sell, Exchange

This plugin was a bit outdated and only got upgrade today (with help of @Arkshine I must add :slight_smile: ). Update plugin and I believe you must rebuild the app if it’s production or restart application. Here are some instructions from Discourse team: Install Plugins in Discourse


Thanks for the update. I can confirm that everything is working.


Hi Everyone

Can anyone help me to fix this issue?

On the desktop, I am getting a black screen

Discourse - V3.1.3

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not find module discourse-i18n imported from discourse/plugins/discourse-topic-trade-buttons/discourse/connectors/topic-above-post-stream/trade-buttons

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not find module `discourse-i18n` imported from `discourse/plugins/discourse-topic-trade-buttons/discourse/connectors/topic-above-post-stream/trade-buttons`
    at loader.js:247:1
    at u (loader.js:258:1)
    at a.findDeps (loader.js:168:1)
    at u (loader.js:262:1)
    at requireModule (loader.js:24:1)
    at plugin-connectors.js:57:1
    at plugin-connectors.js:45:1
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at b (plugin-connectors.js:40:1)
    at plugin-connectors.js:56:1
    at plugin-connectors.js:153:1
    at plugin-connectors.js:45:1
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at b (plugin-connectors.js:40:1)
    at S (plugin-connectors.js:150:1)
    at j (plugin-connectors.js:159:1)
    at e.renderedConnectorsFor (plugin-connectors.js:164:1)
    at get connectors [as connectors] (plugin-outlet.js:126:1)
    at Ce (index.js:1251:1)
    at reference.js:175:1
    at reference.js:136:1
    at e.track (validator.js:668:1)
    at f (reference.js:135:1)
    at index.js:5588:1
    at reference.js:136:1
    at e.track (validator.js:668:1)
    at f (reference.js:135:1)
    at index.js:5588:1
    at reference.js:136:1
    at e.track (validator.js:668:1)
    at f (reference.js:135:1)
    at reference.js:312:1
    at reference.js:136:1
    at e.track (validator.js:668:1)
    at f (reference.js:135:1)
    at Object.evaluate (runtime.js:3440:1)
    at Object.evaluate (runtime.js:1052:1)
    at It.evaluateSyscall (runtime.js:4263:1)
    at It.evaluateInner (runtime.js:4234:1)
    at It.evaluateOuter (runtime.js:4227:1)
    at (runtime.js:5058:1)
    at Wt._execute (runtime.js:5045:1)
    at Wt.execute (runtime.js:5038:1)
    at Qt.sync (runtime.js:5105:1)
    at wr.render (index.js:6749:1)
    at index.js:7013:1
    at Mt (runtime.js:4139:1)
    at Tr._renderRoots (index.js:6996:1)
    at Tr._renderRootsTransaction (index.js:7039:1)
    at Tr._renderRoot (index.js:6985:1)
    at Tr._appendDefinition (index.js:6911:1)
    at Tr.appendOutletView (index.js:6899:1)
    at p.invoke (queue.ts:203:14)
    at p.flush (queue.ts:98:13)
    at h.flush (deferred-action-queues.ts:75:19)
    at $._end (index.ts:616:32)
    at _boundAutorunEnd (index.ts:257:12)

Hello and welcome @viswanatha :slight_smile:

As this seems connected to the topic-trade-buttons plugin I’ve slipped your post over to the relevant topic to get the right eyes on it. :+1:

@viswanatha Did you re-build your project after adding this plugin?

Hi @Janno_Liivak,

I have rebuilt my project, but still facing the same issue.

The following options are also missing.


Enable the topic trading buttons

Category setting

@Janno_Liivak You might need Pinning plugin and theme versions for older Discourse installs (.discourse-compatibility) since the last PR introduced discourse-i18n import that it has been added relatively recently in core (on October 12 I believe).

From what I see, this change happened after 3.2.0.beta2-dev (on September 12).

So I think it would make sense to add an entry in .discourse-compatibility to say that users with an older Discourse version than 3.2.0-beta2-dev are locked to the latest commit before my PR (which is the one on Feb 22)

< 3.2.0.beta2-dev 88db827dcecf5faf4e009e38422ede6847488535