Trouble bootstrapping with RDS --- could not open certificate file

I’ve got a pretty standard install with databse on RDS. It was on 13.2 and I just upgraded it to 15.2. The existing container is working just fine.

When I bootstrap a new image, it migrates the database, precompiles assets

and then

I, [2023-12-20T20:16:12.865112 #1]  INFO -- : > cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake s3:upload_assets                                              
Plugin name is 'discourse-linkedin-auth', but plugin directory is named 'discourse-plugin-linkedin-auth'                                                                     
Plugin name is 'stemaway-experience-bbcodes', but plugin directory is named 'experience-bbcodes'                                                                             
Plugin name is 'discourse-badge-search', but plugin directory is named 'stemaway-badge-search'                                                                               
Plugin name is 'points-plugin', but plugin directory is named 'tacks-plugin'                                                                                                 
Plugin name is 'discourse-group-assign-by-custom-field', but plugin directory is named 'ucf-group-assignment'                                                                
rake aborted!                                                                                                                                                                
ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: We could not find your database: discourse. Which can be found in the database configuration file located at config/database.yml. (ActiveRecor

and then later stuff like this:

Caused by:                                                                                                                                                                   
PG::ConnectionBad: connection to server at "172.31.x.y", port 5432 failed: could not open certificate file "/root/.postgresql/postgresql.crt": Permission denied (PG::Connec
connection to server at "172.31.x.y", port 5432 failed: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "172.31.x.y", user "postgres", database "discourse", no encryption   
Pups::ExecError: cd /var/www/discourse && sudo -E -u discourse bundle exec rake s3:upload_assets failed with return #<Process::Status: pid 7133 exit 1>                      

It doesn’t make sense (to me) that it can migrate andprecompile but not upload assets.
If I get into the container as it’s building, I can connect to postgres using the credentials in the ENV.

I’ll work on getting the full log out of tmux. . .well, the buffer wasn’t very big and won’t fit here. I"ll try to make a bigger buffer, run another bootstrap, and stick the full log somewhere.

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Turns out, you need

  PGSSLCERT: /tmp/postgresql.crt

I don’t know where I figured this out, but it’s in the yml for the staging site, but not the production one. And it worked just fine until recently. It’s bizarre, because the database migrated just fine, and didn’t fail until it started trying to precompile assets.;


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