Twitter Native Embed

On another point of the fragility of embeds as content after looking at the twitter imploding topic. made me think again of an old idea I had.

If embeds were able to generate a backup bitmap of the embed preview as part of the embed function, that would guard against photobucket outcomes and similar.

I have no idea how that could be coded up but I imagine it would work in principle much like the function that grabs the image of posted image link and is stored int eh native database, while I assume that is easier since it’s an already existing file out there on a server somewhere, it would act as I suppose the same as a custom screen grab function on the fly, that occurs when an embed is committed to a discourse post.

Sites archiving a level of their content is helpful as the net ages, stuff does disappear form time to time.

I’m going to suggest another feature along these lines too here

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