Unable to edit topic via API despite topic write access

Hey all,

I noticed that, despite having Topic Write access, I am not allowed to edit topic’s title.
This seem to only work when API key has a global scope.

With API key that has the following permission scopes:

I am getting:

curl 'https://__NAME__.discourse.team/t/-/19.json' \
  -H "Api-Key: 3990a1..." \
  -H "Api-Username: system" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X PUT \
  -d "{ \"title\": \"Title - test curl v5\" }"

{"errors":["You are not permitted to view the requested resource. The API username or key is invalid."],"error_type":"invalid_access"}

And I get the same response when I select all granular scopes.

Only when creating an API key with Scope: Global, I manage to edit topic’s title:

curl 'https://__NAME__.discourse.team/t/-/19.json' \
  -H "Api-Key: 0adc49d..." \
  -H "Api-Username: system" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X PUT \
  -d "{ \"title\": \"Title - test curl v5\" }"

{"basic_topic":{"id":19,"title":"Title - test curl v5","fancy_title":"Title - test curl v5","slug":"title-test-curl-v5","posts_count":2}}

I would expect from topic write access to support edit operation. It seems to me like enforcing global scope for that is not desired.


Are you trying to write a new topic or modify an existing one?

@pfaffman I am trying to edit topic’s title via update topic endpoint Discourse API Docs


I’ll look into the api scoping for this. My guess is it is only looking at the POST request and not the PUT request for updating.

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There is now an update topic scope that you can use for this.

curl -i -sS -X PUT "http://localhost:4200/t/-/101.json"  \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"  \
-H "Api-Key: 54096675ed84dcf0016a3b05199cccde67e5175057e53f8e005e2625940a15e6"  \
-H "Api-Username: blake.erickson"  \
-F "title=8bd599 cae3dfdbf 7210753"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK